Sunday, May 4, 2008

springtime boy

big brother
Originally uploaded by Woody Dam Road

Ossie has been taking his big brother duties very seriously lately. He likes to remind Matilda that he is her big brother while giving her hugs and/or tickling her. As her big brother, he tells her all about life here on earth. Daddy is HER daddy too! And this is OSSIE'S WAGON. And! Apples come from TREES! We live on Woody Dam Road! Grandpa and Nana are in Florida! He likes to teach her to sign by actually grabbing her hands and attempting to make the signs with her. Favorite signs: more, hungry? bath. He also tries doing the ABCs with her at naptime. He's got a sweet high singing voice and he skips half the letters and it's utterly charming. He does a mean Matilda impression, too. There is much loud laughing and tongue wagging involved.

Another development in the world of Oz: he has become very interested in where everything comes from. For awhile his number one question was, "what's that?" Now his question is, "who made that?" He knows our chair came from Ikea, apples are from trees, birds are from eggs (made by a mama and daddy), sausage comes from turkeys (which, in our house, and considering the pigs, it does). In addition to "who made that?", Ossie wants to know "What's his name?" about everybody. This one stumps us more frequently. I've taken to making names up (her? why that's Maude!), but he doesn't like my names! He tells me no most of the time.

Ossie's current favorite book is One Morning In Maine, a gift from our friend Laura. I think he likes the quietness of this book. He doesn't like anything with monsters (I'm looking at you, Where the Wild Things Are). He's got a fearful imagination, which reminds me of Jeff, who is still afraid of aliens and Big Foot. Neither is afraid of anything that might actually remotely happen to them. They regularly climb up things that should not be climbed, and thow themselves in places that should not be entered. But show them pictures of fictional monsters, and they both get rubber-kneed.

Ossie is nearly completely out of diapers, which is so very exciting. We've hatched a plan with his preschool teacher to move him out of them completely this summer in camp. Like every parent everywhere, I can't believe how fast all of this is happening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is absolutely gorgeous (am I the type of person who says absolutely gorgeous? Today I am.) And, I'm inspired. I forget Elijah's childhood by the minute. So, I'm working on converting my old blog to the fam blog, and will let you know. Ossie is so completely different than Elijah and they're both so perfect-o. Makes you believe in the human-race or the child-race. Love to your'n. Britt (Oh-- and Matilda's hair is so punk-rock. I love it.)